- Martial Arts
This app is a work in progress. Its a gym session tracking app for different gyms and training disciplines. Laravel, MySQL, React, and TailwindCSS.
- Computer Vision
A browser app demonstrating the use of tensorflow.js to detect hand-drawn numbers, using Vite to serve the app.
The model is trained in the browser using two possible datasets to demonstrate how using a larger dataset can yield better inference.
- Serverless Stack
A serverless stack app using SST, Lambda functions, Cognito, and DynamoDB.
I followed the developer guide tutorial to build this out, which helped me understand how to structure a serverless app on my own.
Dog Grooming Application
A serverless app using SST, Event Buses, Lambda functions, and DynamoDB.
This app is a work in progress. but I am using it to learn how to build a serverless app from scratch. It consists of a landing page, and an intake form that allows users to schedule appointments for a dog groomer. The groomer would be able to log in and manage appointments.
The goal is to eventually integrate the Stripe API to allow for payments as well as including SES to send emails when am appointment is created, updated, or cancelled.
- useTooDark
A custom React hook that uses a ref to a video element and returns true/false depending on the darkness of the video.
The darkness of the video was calculated by dumping the contents of the video into an off-screen canvas and averaging the relative luminance of each pixel, and that value was gets compared to some threshold